Welcome to the project page "Virtual Journey through the Sangushk Princes family pathways - Opening New Pages of Common Ukrainian and Polish History", implemented with the financial support of the European Union under the Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2014-2020 European Instrument.
October 25, 2019, between the Managing Authority of the Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2014-2020 of the European Neighborhood Instrument and the NGO Center for Regional Initiatives of Volyn signed a Grant Contract for the implementation of the project.
On November 25, 2019, a Partnership Agreement was signed between the Principal Beneficiary (NGO "Center for Regional Initiatives of Volyn", Ukraine) and the Beneficiary (Association of Self-governing Bodies of the Euroregion "Bug", Republic of Poland).
The project is being implemented in the territories of the Volyn region and the Lublin Voivodeship, bordering on each other and possessing a rich cultural heritage that is the result of centuries-old common history.
The main objective of the project is to promote the use of the cultural and historical heritage of the cross-border region in order to increase awareness of its tourism potential and increase its attractiveness both in domestic and new foreign tourist markets.
The project envisages the creation and promotion of a joint virtual thematic cross-border tourist route, which aims to promote the historical and cultural heritage of Volyn and Lublin. This is a unique opportunity to create a tourism service that will benefit from local resources and the latest IT technologies, and thus help promote tourism and economic development in the border regions.
Specific objectives of the project:
- improve the access of the general public to the tangible and intangible historical heritage of the cross-border region by creating a shared virtual tourist itinerary;
- to encourage cooperation between target groups (historians, scholars, museum workers, travel agencies, tourist information centers, etc.) by establishing cross-border partnerships to create and promote new tourism products;
- raise awareness of the Volyn and Lublin regions about the historical and cultural heritage by promoting it for sustainable tourism development.
The main activities of the project:
exploration of historical sources related to the life and activities of the Sangushk princes;
a practical seminar on presentation of research results;
creation of a joint virtual cross-border tourist route “Through the Sangushk Princes”;
creating a website and mobile app;
publication of a tourist guide "The ways of the princely kind of Sangushk";
promotional tour of places of newly created cross-border tourist route;
virtual tour route presentation and final conference.
Date of implementation: November 2019 - July 2020
The total cost of the project: EUR 44 750,68
EU grant: EUR 40 271,14
NGO "Center for Regional Initiatives of Volyn" (Lutsk, Ukraine)
Association of Self-governing Bodies of the Euroregion Bug (Helm, Republic of Poland)